Custom Market Analysis
Designing and conducting custom SALARY SURVEYS that gather, analyze, and report the most up-to-date and reliable data for competitively benchmarking pay.
Variable Pay Programs offer companies the opportunity to reward individuals, and teams, with a portion of pay that is related to measurable success.
Variable Pay
Developing salary administration policies, structures, and tools, to communicate and cost-effectively manage the pay program.
Custom Market Analysis
Key Employee Compensation Analysis
Market price key incumbent(s), incorporating available external survey data and/or supplemented by ad hoc custom developed survey of select competitors.
Define the labor market and pay positioning goal relative to the market, as well as pay delivery - mix of pay among base, bonus and long-term incentives, and appropriate risk/reward leverage.
Recommend pay position within range, based on performance, tenure, key employee "marketability" and other relevant issues.
Custom Salary Surveys & Questionnaires
ClearSolutionsHR has conducted many custom surveys and analyses for non-profits, and small to mid-size companies, for whom in-depth salary data and in-house compensation resources are not readily available.
Design and administer a formal salary survey that targets a client's specific job group, career pathway, or benchmark jobs.
Recommend approaches to implement competitive pay, such as one-time market adjustments, roll-out increases, phased timing, accelerated merit, promotion, structure differential, etc.
Design and administer topical surveys and questionnaires on any issue related to rewards: examples include sign-on bonuses, titling, pay trends over time, perquisites, college beginning rates, intern policies, regional differentials, and other salary policies & practices.
Pay Policy Audit & Development
General Compensation Program Audit & Design
Develop a Compensation Strategy that articulates the pay philosophy of the company, including identifying the competitive markets, and pay positioning goals, for different levels of employees.
Gather bench-mark data, using external salary surveys, or custom-designed salary surveys to build a salary structure(s) and salary ranges intended to implement the company's pay strategy relative to its competitive market and reflective of the company's culture.
Review and design job evaluation tools that ensure a value-driven approach to slotting jobs into the structure, based on scope, autonomy, impact, and operating climate, to ensure internal equity.
Within that competitive framework, develop salary administration tools to cost-effectively budget and administer salary increases to ensure the fair distribution of reward dollars.
Audit and design performance management tools to align with company values.
Actuarial Student Program Audit & Design
Working with the Actuarial Department and Compensation Department , design a comprehensive rewards strategy for Actuarial student candidates.
Set exam pass/VEE raises that are competitive and reflective of the Casualty Actuarial Society's and Society of Actuaries' credentialing curriculum & transitioning rules.
Determine pay differentials that may apply to certain actuarial populations, & rewards in general for actuaries.
Develop career steps from new hire to fellow, career matrixes, as well as guidelines and communications on promotional criteria.
Audit and consult on policies regarding study hours, study tools, reimbursements and other perquisites provided to students.
Variable Pay
Variable Pay Programs offer companies the opportunity to reward individuals, and teams, with a portion of pay that is related to measurable success. "At-risk" pay, to be successful, must establish a clear "line-of-sight" between individual, team, and/or company results.
The idea is to align company strategy with rewards that drive performance towards company goals. It requires carefully setting goals, then measuring and communicating progress towards those goals throughout
Analyze the drivers of group performance, whether team, department, division or company.
Establish realistic performance measures and stretch goals that meaningfully contribute to top-down success.
Determine how the plan will fund, the funding formula and the allocation of rewards dollars to members.
Develop a training and on-going communications strategy to ensure plan success.